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Islam is Peace

Islam is a vast religion, it teaches peace amongst Muslims and non- Muslims, some of the verses from the Quran, the Holy book of Muslims, explaining teachings regarding peace are as follows:

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The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars

The ‘Five Pillars‘ of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life:

Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;

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The Book of Wisdom

Book of wisdom

Kitabul Hikam Chapters:

  • First Treaties
  • Second Treaties
  • Third Treaties

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Journey with Rev. Sheikh

Follow the Journey with the reverend Sheikh. Life of devotion, fear of Allah in simplicity.

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Daily Qu’ranic Reminders

Khamsa Salawaat brings daily verses from the Qu’ran as a constant reminder of Allah’s words and commands to mankind and jinn kind.

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Daily Duas (Supplications)

Khamsa Salawaat has accumulated daily Duas (supplications) from the Qu’ran and hadiths to guide us in our daily lives.

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The Holy Quran is a Miracle

Allah’s greatest favor to mankind is His guidance contained in the books of revelation. Muslims believe in Taurat, Injeel, Zaboor, Scrolls of Abraham, and the Qur’an.

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What is Salat?


Salat is the Arabic word meaning prayer. It is the second of the five central duties or “pillars” of Islam. There are many types of prayers but five are performed on a day to day to basis. These five prayers are termed:

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Fitna (Distress) of Dajaal

Signs of Dajaal (One-eyed man) as mentioned by Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) to his Sahaabas.

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A to Z of Hajj Rituals

Learn everything you need to know about Hajj rituals by Imam Mouhamed Sakho Tidjani.

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Follow this link for more on Imam Mouhamed Sakho Tidjani and the Islamic Cultural Foundation of America (ICFA). Please, DONATE generously to ICFA while you are there. Thank you.

Power of Suratul Fatiha

Surat ul Fatiha is the first chapter in the Holy Quran that consists of seven verses. Rightly called the Essence of the Book.

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Khamsa Salawaat Prayer Software version is available now… Free download.

Khamsa Salawaat is a multimedia program running under Windows which teaches young and new Muslims how to perform Islamic Prayer (Salat).Mosqiconr

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Who is Muhammad?

Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Makkah in the year 570 CE, during the period of history Europeans call the Middle Ages. Muhammad (PBUH) was the son of ‘Abd Allah, a noble from the tribe of the Quraysh.

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Holy Qu’ran Recitation

Holy Qu’ran recitation by Sheikh Ali Bin Jabeer, may Allah be pleased with him. Ameen. As well as Arabic text, and English Translation.

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Click here for Audio, Arabic Text, and English Translation…

Sahih Al-Buhari

Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)…

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Sahih Muslim

Sahih Muslim is another collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)…

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