About Khamsa Salawaat Prayer Software


Khamsa Salawaat is a multimedia program running under the Windows platform that teaches young and new Muslims how to perform Islamic Prayer. The program allows any of the commonly performed Islamic prayers to be simulated on-screen. It is an interactive tutor that contains:

– Precise, step-by-step instructions in English.

– Accurate audio renditions of the Qur’an.

– Arabic text.

– English translation.

– English transliteration.

– Colour graphics showing changes in postures required for prayer.

– Recitation of the azan (call to prayer).

– Online context-sensitive help system.

– Easy to use and customizable interface.

Download Khamsa Salawaat Prayer Software for your PC.

Download Instructions:

After downloading the zip file to your PC, unzip KhamsaSalawaat, open the folder, and run “setup.exe” to start the installation process:

Windows 7

Windows security may warn you about not having a certificate. Click on “Install Anyway” and follow the prompt.

Windows 8, 8.1

Windows security may warn you about not having a certificate. Click on “More Details” then click on “Install Anyway” and follow the prompt.

Windows 10

Windows security may warn you about not having a certificate. Check the box “I understand the risk and want to run this app.” then, click on “Install Anyway” and follow the prompt.

Windows 11

Windows security may warn you about not having a certificate. Click on “more details” then click on “Install Anyway” and follow the prompt.


Download Khamsa Salawaat below:

Khamsa Salawaat Basic for Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11