The Book of Wisdom Chapter XI

And he said (May Allah be pleased with him):

105. To soften for you the suffering of affliction, He has taught you that He is the One who causes trials to come upon you (al-Mublee laka). For the one who confronts you with His decrees of Fate (al-aqdaar) is the same who has accustomed you to His good choice (husn al-ikhtiyaar).

106. Whoever supposes that His gentleness (lutf) is separate from His decree of Fate (qadar) does so out of shortsightedness.

107. It is not feared that the way leading to Allah be confusing to you, but rather, it is feared that passion overcomes you.

108. Praise be to Him who has hidden the inner reality of holiness (sirr al-khusoosiyya) by manifesting the quality of human nature (bi-dhuhoor wasf al-bashariyyah), and who has appeared in the sublimity of Lordship (‘adhamat ar-ruboobiyya) by manifesting servanthood (al-‘uboodiyya)

109. Do not press claims against your Lord because your request (matlab) has been delayed; instead, press claims against yourself for slacking in your behavior.

110. When He makes you submissive to His command outwardly and provides you with resignation to His power inwardly, then He has enhanced the greatness of the favor accorded you.

111. Not all who are most certainly amongst the chosen go on to perfect their liberation.

Chapter XII, next